New Year's Organ Gala
with choir, 2 organs and trumpet
with choir, 2 organs and trumpet
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a Jegy.hu keresőjében!
Last event date: Thursday, January 02 2025 8:00PM
The audience of the "New Year's Organ Gala" can see the performers up close and enjoy the wonderful frescoes and works of art in the sanctuary of the Basilica while taking in the musical experience. The concert's program features eternal works by the best-known authors of music literature performed by world-famous organists, soloists and the ETUNAM Chamber Choir consisting of professional singers
Gábor SZOTYORI NAGY & András VIRÁGH - organ
László BORSÓDY – trumpet
ETUNAM Chamber Choir
conductor: András VIRÁGH
M-A. Charpentier: Te Deum – trumpet
T. Albinoni: Adagio – big organ
Ch. Gounod: Ave Maria
J. S. Bach: Toccata, air and Fugue in D Minor – big organ
W. A. Mozart: Ave verum, Benedictus sit Deus - choir
G. F. Händel: Water music - trumpet
C. Franck: Panis angelicus – solo and choir
Ch-M. Widor: Toccata from 5th Organ Symphonie – big organ
A. Vivaldi: Gloria - Duett
G. F. Händel: Hallelujah – choir
No entry under age of 6!
Ezt a darabot irodalmunk tényleges szereplői és azok sorsa ihlették. A részleteket azonban sokhelyütt a szerzők és a műfaj igényei alakították.
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