
Matilda Lloyd / Rising Stars – Európa új csillagai / Trombita

Matilda Lloyd / Rising Stars – Európa új csillagai / Trombita

A BBC Magazine ötcsillagos lemezkritikája szerint „intenzív kifejezéssel és roppant melegséggel” játszik tavaly megjelent debütáló albumán a muzikalitásával és színpadi jelenlétével is magával ragadó Matilda Lloyd, aki számos koncertje mellett mesterkurzusokat tart, podcast-sorozatot vezet, és Afrikában jótékonykodik.  more

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Last event date: Saturday, November 09 2024 5:30PM

Honegger: Intrada

Enescu: Légende

Debussy: L'isle joyeuse

Dani Howard: new work (commissioned by ECHO) - Hungarian premiere

Ravel: Miroirs - second movement (Oiseaux tristes)

Fauré: Le papillon et la fleur, Op. 1, No. 1

Viardot: Havanaise

According to BBC Magazine's five-star review of the debut album she released last year, Matilda Lloyd "plays with intense expression and immense warmth.” In addition to enchanting audiences with her musicality and stage presence at her many concerts, she conducts master classes, runs a podcast series, and does charity work in Africa. Partnering with her on piano, the American Jonathan Ware centres his repertoire around the song literature and chamber music, and their Rising Stars concert in Budapest features some of the best of Late Romantic and 20th-century French music. This company makes the young British composer Dani Howard a bit of the odd one out. Having recently crafted an award-winning trombone concerto, she is now giving the trumpet its turn.

Nominated for the Rising Stars programme by: Barbican Centre London, Konserthuset Stockholm

Presented by: Müpa Budapest


trumpet: Matilda Lloyd


piano: Jonathan Ware

host and moderator of the post-concert meet and greet: Endre Tóth

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