
FACES OF BEETHOVEN - Beethoven / Gábor Takács-Nagy - E/2

FACES OF BEETHOVEN - Beethoven / Gábor Takács-Nagy - E/2

The first evening of Gábor Takács-Nagy's Beethoven series begins with the King Stephen overture, with which the new Pest Theatre was inaugurated in 1812. Contemporary records attest to Beethoven's love and respect for the Hungarians, which he expressed by building the music of the overture from Hungarian recruitment melodies.  more

Nincs aktuális előadás

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Last event date: Friday, October 18 2024 7:00PM


Beethoven: King Stephen – overture
Beethoven: Symphony No. 1
Beethoven: Symphony No. 4.


Gábor Takács-Nagy
The first evening of Gábor Takács-Nagy's Beethoven series begins with the King Stephen overture, with which the new Pest Theatre was inaugurated in 1812. Contemporary records attest to Beethoven's love and respect for the Hungarians, which he expressed by building the music of the overture from Hungarian recruitment melodies. With respect to Symphony No 1, critics point out that the influence of Haydn, the great predecessor and teacher, is still strongly apparent, along with a nostalgic reminiscence of his homeland, the Rhineland. Numerous music historians point out that Beethoven wrote a lighter, more cheerful symphony after his great, dramatic symphonies: following the great Eroica Symphony, Beethoven composed his charming Symphony No. 4 in 1806, which also carries humorous overtones.

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