
re:Verze in English

re:Verze in English

Improvizált standup-koncert, ezúttal angol nyelven. re:Verse - The AI Songbook.
An exciting collaboration between AI and humans to create songs on the spot! All improvised, all interactive, all fun!

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Utolsó előadás dátuma: február 17. szombat, 19:00

An exciting collaboration between AI and humans to create songs on the spot! All improvised, all interactive, all fun!

"I've seen improvised comedy and improvised acting before, but improvised music is not something I thought you could even do."
"I love how it's so casual and they make something of anything you throw at them like, 'Yep, now we're going to do techno about fish'n'chips' and it works!"
"Come along and open your mind for something amazing"
* Ever wondered what a Pavlova recipe sounds like in Bossa Nova?
* Or craved fitness tips set to industrial techno?
* Or wanted to know how hotel complaints can be set to a song?
Part improv, part concert, RE:VERSE is an interactive musical comedy show performed by pianist Laszlo Pirisi and vocalist Szandra Szőke.
In RE:VERSE improv shows, songs are born on the spot using audience suggestions and fuse the unlikeliest genres, with samples taken from random objects and with lyrics based on everything from the day’s news headlines, automatic translation engines, complaints from hotel sites and inspirational quote blogs.
Every RE:VERSE concert is completely new and not even we know what we’ll perform next.

RE:VERSE is Szandra Szőke on Vocals & Loops, and Laszlo Pirisi on Keyboards & The Internet. 


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